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Sports Performance Coach

Sports Performance Coach

Indeed, being one of the most successful athletes is a dream for any athlete out there. But to achieve that dream you have to go through various stages; skill identification, skill development, and skill achievement. Hence, with the increasing competitive nature of athletics today, many parents are opting for alternatives such as speed, strength and seeking the services of a sports performance coach to help their young athletes gain a desirable competitive edge. But the big challenge is that sports performance is an unregulated field in the health industry, hence the need to choose the right performance coach that is professional. Therefore, here are tips to consider when choosing a sports performance coach.

Sports Performance Coach

Sports Performance Coach

Great communication skills

A good sports performance coach should understand the importance of communication. Communication is a two-way street involving back and forth between the coach and the athlete. A good coach is one who is ready to engage the athlete in the communication and is prepared to listen carefully to what the athletes is saying. Good sports performance goes hand-in-hand with good communication skills.


The best coach is one who is ready to look for a better way to reach every athlete. A good coach will not see the struggles of the athlete as a learning disability or even blame the athlete for incompetence. The coach will always be ready to seek an alternative that will fit the ability of the athlete and help increase the skills and commitment of the athlete. Therefore, the best coach is that who has mastered the art of flexibility.

Creative and makes the sports fun to their athletes

Just like any other game, athletics involves a lot of fun. A good coach will find creative ways to integrate some fun into their daily practice sessions and during competitions. When an athlete is under the stewardship of a creative and fun coach, he/she will always be relaxed. Since being relaxed is one of the most essential ingredients of performance, it is the best interest of a good coach to find creative and innovative ways to keep the athlete smiling.

Instill self-belief in their athletes

Best coaches get their athletes to believe in themselves. They always inspire their athletes to do more than they think they can by getting the athlete to entertain possibilities that will stretch the limits of his/her belief. A good sports performance coach will always build the athlete`s self-esteem by praising the athlete for every improvement made. A good coach will never be caught up playing head games that will leave the athlete questioning his/her abilities and skills.