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Our Sports Performance Coaches

Marilyn Kaminski

Marilyn (Hintz) Kaminski, MS, ATC, LAT, CSCS
Owner, Athletic Trainer, Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach

Efficient Movement was started in Scottsdale, Arizona 2009 with the purpose to share Marilyn’s immense passion of giving youth and adolescent athletes the opportunity to develop their athleticism drastically and decrease non-contact sports injuries substantially. Marilyn is committed to continually growing her knowledge of the movement patterns in sports by attending advanced continuing education courses every year. Her hands-on innovative methods of sports performance training and sports injury care gets superior athletic results!

After growing up on a dairy farm in Wisconsin and having multiple knee injuries throughout sports, she graduated with an undergrad degree from Marquette University in Exercise Science and Athletic Training with a minor in Biomedical Sciences, as well as Master’s degree in Sports Health Care from A.T. Still University, with an focus on female athletes and prevention of knee injuries. Marilyn’s passion for youth and adolescent athletes and experience working in the WNBA, MLB, Division 1 college sports, high school programs, and youth organizations have resulted in an abundant amount of success with developing superior athleticism in youth and adolescent athletes.

To learn more about Marilyn and her background, visit LinkedIn Profile and follow her Sports Medicine & Sports Performance blog.




Efficient Movement’s Philosophy on Training Style of Sports Performance Coaches

1) TECHNIQUE!!! TECHNIQUE!!! TECHNIQUE!!! TECHNIQUE!!! No kid will ever do a single repetition with bad form in the presence of us! This may mean you have to be a little “A-D-D” and watch everything at once, but it must be a huge priority!

2) Be very VOICETROUS!!! Nothing is quiet when you are training at Efficient Movement. You must OVER-EMPHASIZE and OVER-VERBALIZE every coaching cue. I want athletes to “get the point” over and over and over again, that when training with Efficient Movement, they are never allowed to “go through the motions” of any exercise!

3) Care for kids. Text them to see how their games have gone, or wish them luck on upcoming games. Ask them how they are playing. Make time to attend their games. Develop close relationships with athletes, but not too personal with their personal life outside of sports.

4) Be very strict in their workouts!! Very professional, intimidating, and make them work harder then they could imagine working. But before and after workouts, be a little more friendly and socialize with each of them. Teach them mental toughness!

“Pain is just weakness leaving the body” – must endure pain (not pain in joints EVER) to get stronger.

5) Push kids hard, but NEVER allow pain in a joint when working out at Efficient Movement. There is plenty of things we can do with them that doesn’t irritate the injury. Nobody sits out of workouts because of joint pain, just exercise choice is altered to a pain-free exercise or pain-free part of their body.

6) No cussing. No cussing in music. Be very professional!

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Our 90-minute Full Body Assessments are very involved. We thoroughly assess the biomechanics of multiple sport-related movement patterns to determine, any and all, imbalances and weaknesses that we need to address in order to optimize your sports injury recovery and/or sports performance results.

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(602) 358-8862