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Strength Training Exercises

Squat – Optimal Positioning for Optimal Results

Mini Band Walks
I prefer mini-band walks with the bands on the feet. This not only gets the hip abductors but adds the hip rotators also. The key to mini-band walks in my opinion is to have a slight bend in the hips but to create a simultaneous abduction. This means the foot on the ground is creating closed chain abduction while the foot stepping is in open chain abduction.

BOSU Ball Pushups at age 61
I love pushups. Our progression is to elevate the feet and then add some instability with the BOSU. Extra resistance is provided via a weight vest. The key to this video is that the client is 61 years old. A great added benefit of the push up is the core training element.

Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat 230×14
Over the past few years we have switched from bilateral squats to single leg versions. In this video former BU Terrier does 230 lbs for 14 reps. We have seen a decrease in back pain and similar or better increases in performance to when we did front squats as our primary strength exercise.

More Exercises coming soon…



Perfect Single Leg Pistol Squat

Bulgarian Lunge

TRX Lateral Lunge


These are commonly called Renegade Rows although I don’t for the life of me know why. This is a great progression we don’t use enough.

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