This is the most common question I hear. If I had to give only a one-phrase answer, then it is summed up to “optimizing triple flexion-triple extension”. Now what does that mean? Triple flexion-triple extension is the position of the legs during running. This position allows for optimal force production.
Triple Extension – Back power leg, Hip Extension, Knee Extension, Plantar Flexed Foot
Triple Flexion – Front Deceleration leg, Hip Flexion, Knee Flexion, Dorsiflexed foot
1. Hip Flexor Stretching and Soft Tissue Massage (or Foam Rolling)
2. Hip Mobility Routine completed prior to every workout
3. Glute Medius Activated
4. Core Activated (More specifically is the Transverse Abdominis needs to be fully activated)
5. Optimize triple flexion and triple extension
6. Resistance Training optimizing triple flexion and triple extension
7. Explosive training optimizing triple flexion and triple extension
8. Strength training to strengthen muscles needed to increase running leg power
9. Practice! Practice! Practice PERFECT technique!!
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